Entrepreneurial Myths?

We will embark upon a journey through the world of Entrepreneurial Myths and debunk them to help you avoid falling into its traps.

 First, let’s take a minute to talk about what an Entrepreneurial Myth is. An Entrepreneurial Myth, or e-myth, is the assumption that anyone can be successful in business if they have: 

  • Desire 
  • Some capital 
  • A goal for success

 This concept sounds fabulous, but it is just not realistic. Compare starting a business to running a marathon. Sure, everyone gets out of the gate at a fast pace, but after a few miles people start to slow down, and some even drop out entirely. Building a successful business takes stamina and agility. The reality is that there are many different facets to a successful business, and if you want to be successful you can’t ignore any of them.

 Now, let’s talk about entrepreneurial breakdowns. These breakdowns are caused by the roller coaster of emotions that comes with starting your business, nurturing it, and the business potentially failing. 

The emotional journey tends to look like this:

  • Exhilaration
  • Exhaustion
  • Despair 
  • Sense of Loss 

 This emotional roller coaster is fueled by the e-myths and assumptions we discussed above. You have set such high expectations for instant success that even the slightest delay or set-back will send you into an emotional tailspin. 

 This also gets emphasized by the stark realization that you can’t do it all and will need help in areas where you lack expertise. Now, faced with limited choices, you may feel like giving up, that’s not necessary! Sign up for our FREE test drive to get the business coaching you need to avoid feeling overwhelmed and defeated.


Harm B Stratman , MBA

Business Accelerator